
Showing posts from May, 2018

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Physiological Disorders of Cauliflower

Physiological Disorders commonly seen in Cauliflower 1. Browning: Sometimes there is a appeareance of water soaked lesions in the steam, leaf and on the surface of the curd which later become rusty and brown in color. This symptoms is mainly observed when there is a deficiency of boron in plant or in soil. To get rid out of this, soil application of Borax @ 10-15 kg/ hectare is recommended. This dose of fertilizer may differ from country to country, type of soil, time of application,methods of application & various other factors. If there is acute deficiency, spraying of Borax solution @0.25% to 0.5% is generally recommended. This means 2.5 to 5 gram of borax fertilizer on 1 liter of pure water. Spraying of fertilizer should be done at the time of early morning or at the time  of evening. fig: Symptoms of Browning Fig: Symptoms observed on browning of caulifllower Fig: generally available Borax Fertilizer on Market (10.5%) fig: Whiptail  2. Wh

Diseases on Cauliflower

Major diseases observed on Cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea ) 1. Club Root This disease causes swelling and malformation of the root which restricts nutrient and water flow in the plant. This disease is caused by a fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae .The club root fungus enters the plant through roots. It is very difficult to curb the infestation by this disease, as it continue to infest on the land for a longer duration. When the plant rot, the fungal spores are released in the soil which may live for 10 to 20 years and infect other plants. There are few steps to control it. * It is important to avoid planting the plant in infested field for nearly 7 years. * We need to avoid using the fungus infected manure to avoid the crop infestation. * It is important that we use crop rotation and field rotation. We need to ensure that all the equipments are clean and disinfected before using on non contaminated land. * Proper Weed Management is very important so that it does not incr
